A Complete Guide: Kitchen Gardening


  • Ms. Harsha S. Kumbhalkar Author
  • Mr. Rushikesh D. Aghav Author
  • Dr. Suraj P. Khedkar Author


kitchen gardening, nutritious vegetables, food security, balanced diet, home cultivation


With the help of technology, we can cultivate nutritious vegetables at home using clay pots, empty tins, and discarded utensils. This is known as kitchen gardening. It has been discovered that kitchen/home gardens significantly contribute to the improvement of food security for rural, resource-poor households in developing nations. It is essential for people to keep their health to eat a nutritious diet. Grains, breads, legumes, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and so forth make up a balanced diet. Vegetables are a vital part of a balanced diet since they offer a range of nutrients required for many body functions. About 300 g of vegetables and 100 g of fresh fruits are needed each day (50 g of green leafy vegetables, 200 g of other vegetables, and 50 g of roots and tubers). Growing a variety of crops in your home garden is one of the simplest methods to guarantee that you have access to a balanced diet with enough macro- and micronutrients.




How to Cite

Kumbhalkar, M. H. S., Aghav, M. R. D., & Khedkar, D. S. P. (2024). A Complete Guide: Kitchen Gardening. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 9(4). https://i.agriculturejournals.org/index.php/ijeab/article/view/265