Analysis the Potential of Malang Regency as a Center for Oil Palm Plantations in East Java


  • Karuniawan Puji Wicaksono Author
  • Paramyta Nila Permanasari Author
  • Akbar Saitama Author


Land suitability,, climate type, oil palm, nutrients


East Java region is known for its good land potential for agriculture. One area that has a large enough agricultural land is Malang Regency. This feasibility study in the long run can become the foundation for establishing oil palm plantations and also a palm oil processing industry in the region. Thus, a feasibility study of various important aspects is carried out for the sustainability and sustainability of the development of the oil palm plantation industry in Malang. The purpose of this study is to see how land and environmental conditions suitability and to study and map the suitability of oil palm land in Malang Regency. The study was carried out in October - December 2021 in the southern Malang region and the southern Blitar location as a comparison area and industrial survey to find out data on oil quality in the southern region of Malang Regency and Blitar. Studies use survey methods to describe situations and events with the aim of solving problems in a systematic, fluctuating and accurate manner regarding the facts and characteristics of a particular population or area. Land suitability variables are in the form of geographic data, such as slopes and determination of points; macro climate data and micro climate data, such as radiation intensity, RH, temperature, flood potential and soil data including physical properties, such as soil texture, structure and depth; biological properties, such as c-organic content, litter thickness and presence of earthworms and chemical properties, such as analysis of N, P and K content, pH and base saturation and soil CEC. Based on a comparison of soil analysis data in the areas of Malang, Sumatra and Kalimantan, it can be said that the land suitability of Malang Regency is in accordance with the needs of oil palm plants based on land suitability.




How to Cite

Wicaksono, K. P., Permanasari, P. N., & Saitama, A. (2023). Analysis the Potential of Malang Regency as a Center for Oil Palm Plantations in East Java. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 8(4).